20 August, 2008

Do Good - Now

Spent yesterday afternoon on pick-up/delivery run for Food Gatherers. In addition to a beautiful sunny day, it was a good reminder that I'm glad I took the time to get started with this organization.

I'm a firm believer in giving back to your community, and finding ways to help those who are at a disadvantage. But, I'm certainly not playing "holier than thou" -- I spent FAR too long not doing this stuff. My point is, once I took a little time, and made a commitment to do this, it became easy. Then it became an important part of my life. I was off this gig for a few weeks as they were trying to absorb some new staff and didn't need a lot of volunteers on routes. I really missed it and the sense of peace it brought to my life!

This stuff won't find you. You have to find it. And make time for it. Once you do, you'll find how easily it meshes into your life and becomes a part of your world. I know so many people who are "fixin to..." do something like this. Today's the day. Take the step. Speech over.


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