29 September, 2008

Lost My Best Outdoor Companion

A rough weekend. After a brief illness, I lost perhaps the best outdoor companion I've ever had - my dog Otis.

For almost 14 years, he's been right at my side all the time. I remember so many great things. Teaching him to be off-leash in Delhi Metropark and in the UP. How much he LOVED riding in the truck, especially off-road adventures. Snowshoeing in the deep snow at Fayette Peninsula. His persistent "smile" that always said he was enjoying himself.

One upside - he passed on Saturday. As did Paul Newman. Which I think is fitting - I've decided that he's now Paul Newman's dog. Living at Sundance in the Sky and eating Newman's Own Organic Dog food.

So, if you have a companion like Otis, give him or her an extra pet, maybe a treat, and tell them it's for Otis.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sean - I've taken your request to heart and given our two pets each an extra pet and a hug - hopefully Otis won't mind that they're cats. ;-) Sounds like you two had a lot of great times together to remember. :-)