25 March, 2009

Mind Your Manners

Every outdoor pursuit that interfaces with others has some etiquette. Whether it's the singles line at a ski lift, the three-second between rounds rule at a shooting range, not being a "hole hog" on a trout stream, giving others the first shot upland bird hunting, letting cyclists know you're going to pass them -- whatever. They all have some social norms that make it more pleasant (and often safer) for others.

But like much of modern life, it often seems there are those who have no manners. Or maybe they don't know the simple etiquette. Given the rudeness one seems to run into in day-to-day life, more likely the former.

If you're learning something new, whether from a guide or instructor, or just a knowledgeable friend it's often worthwhile to ask about some of these things. Most folks who've been active in a sport or pursuit know what they are and would happily share so it's better and safer for everyone. But in many cases these norms are subtle and not noticed by newbies.


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