10 August, 2009

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming...

... for something other than outside, stuff. Don't worry, all things cycling, skiing, shooting, camping,and more will return shortly.

Took a journey back in time on Friday. At the invite of friend and former radio cohort, Tom, we shared a Modern Rock Retro Rewind (say that without going all Fudd...) on WMHW 91.5. What a great experience. Moore Hall Radio is so different now -- 13,000 watts that covers most of mid-Michigan as opposed to 300 that ALMOST covered the Mt. Pleasant city limits, and no more vinyl -- but so much the same. We walked into master control with an army of computers and a new modern board to find that the floor and acoustic walls tiles were the same as when we were there over 20 years ago!

Radio presence was a little rusty after 20 years, but about halfway through we found our groove. Had a blast putting together playlist of things from back in the day -- Long Ryders, Fishbone's first EP, Members, Husker Du, and so much more. My first cut of a playlist ran 6 hours total! A great time -- with thanks to Tom for invite, Ray for running the board for the old folk, and Dr. Patty for making it all happen.

Made a stop at CMU Public Radio to see the place, catch up with old boss Ray, and other friends. Great to see everyone.

Original plan was a little camping/fishing on PM, but weather nixed that. Instead I stuck around for the Foolery re-union/takeover of it's former location. The Foolery was a bar with amazing music that was in operation 1984-1989. Saw some astounding music there, including Black Flag, Fishbone on their inaugural tour, Gatemouth Brown, and so much more. Had a blast re-connecting with former radio colleagues, enjoying some great bands, and throwing back a few cheap PBR's!

To Tom, Connie, Kris, Margi, Ray, and so many others -- thanks for a very memorable trip! Let's do it again in 20 more!

Rock on,


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