03 September, 2009

What do you seek?

This sign is outside the fish hatchery at Thompson, in Michigan's central Upper Peninsula (one of only two locations in the state that raises steelhead).

Got me to thinking about what I seek from going fishing. I think it includes:

- there's no better place to get away from everything else going on in life than a river.

- fishing is a lifelong journey of learning. Whether it's tying a new knot, learning a different cast, or chasing a new species, there's always something new I'm exposed to. Activities with this dimension prove the most engaging to me.

- when I'm standing in the middle of a river, the connetion to nature is intensely powerful. Curiously, I find this connection the strongest when winter steelheading. Maybe it's because I'm standing somewhere I really don't belong?

- there's an instant connection with people who fish, and especially fly fish. An almost automatic bond. It's like you share a great secret.

So, why do you go fishing? Or mountain biking? Or skiing? Or whatever it is you do outside? Think about it.


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