Reality is that my species of choice are steelhead. And the means losing flies. Lots of them, if you're doing it right. Steelies like cover and that means drifting through all kinds of nasty shit to get to them. At $1.50 and up for flies, that adds up. My last trip, I lost 10 in a fairly average day.
Plus, I was looking at egg flies recently -- there's really not much to them so how hard can it be? Famous last words, I'm sure. Talking to my buddy Mike about a basic class for steelhead flies at Colton Bay where he runs the fly shop.
Here we go. Updates will be coming.
1 comment:
I started tying flies again last year after spending my youth doing them. Great fun. I bought a new basic set up last year and did fine making flies that worked for both ice hard and softwater. Have fun!
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