04 January, 2010


I think I had my coldest day ever skiing on Saturday at Caberfae. Temps never made it into double-digits AND winds were 15-20mph all day. Oddly, with the sun out it didn't seem so bad while I was out there. But about 4:30pm I realized is was just chilled completely.

But, over the holidays, I added a new weapon to the cold weather arsenal - mittens! For some reason, I've always resisted them. Maybe I thought the loss of dexterity would be too much, or that someone I was a wuss for wearing them.

New Black Diamond Mercury mittens rock -- super warm, comfy, and functional. Trigger finger is separated to enable some grip and dexterity. My hands were actually a bit too warm initially, but as day wore on they were great. Biggest pleasant surprise was how much easier mittens are to take off and put on. No finger fumbling. Quick and easy. And wrist leash meant when they were off, no worries about dropping them.

Happy New Year to all!


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