27 May, 2010


As a sportsman, I see the BP oil spill debacle and just shake my head. While bureaucrats and corporate executives finger-point and navel-gaze, millions of acres of critical coastal area edge closer to obliteration. Every time I see TV footage of the fishermen of Louisiana I cringe.

Meanwhile, dozens of other countries and thousands of technical entrepreneurs offer help and solutions. The EPA response seems to be a variant of "Uh, we don't know ... did you talk to BP?" Meanwhile BP is trying to find a rock they can hide under until this blows over (note to BP -- IT WON'T).

This is looking rather like the asian carp issue of the Great Lakes on a FAR larger scale. During the hearings, it became very clear that bureaucracy had caused complete ineffectiveness.

These government officials aren't stupid - many have advanced degrees and years of experience. But somehow once they get that cushy pension and easy lifestyle they turn into functioning idiots. But best of all? These people are paid by the taxes of individuals and businesses who are impacted by these catastrophes.

President Obama - I'm most disappointed in you above all. The environment was a key part of your campaign. And you've already demonstrated that you're not all that interested in it. You've got the power to make this happen (just as you could have by closing the Chicago locks). How about if you step-up, smack a few heads, and get this done. Oh, that's right, BP was one of your largest campaign financiers and you'd like to get re-elected. Time to stop pandering to the special interests and do right by the people who elected you.

Knuckleheads, all. Monkeys could do a better job than BP and the EPA. Yeah, I'm pissed.


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