27 August, 2010

Fun Challenge

Discovering a new way to grow in tying lately. Applied it with some green caddis nymphs I'm tying up for Winter steelhead. Pretty simple, but seems to improve my skills.

Tie up a bunch of flies in a moderate size -- maybe 10's or 12's for nymphs -- until you feel like you have it down. Now switch to a smaller hook size. Less space demands more precision. Do it wrong and all the elements no longer fit. Quick test of your new skills.Can't get it right? Move back to the larger size for a bit, then try it again.

I've now got a few basic patterns down. Once I have a solid selection of eggs and green caddis for Fall steelhead, I think I'll try a few new patterns. I fish a lot of Blue Winged Olives during dry season (or I did this year) maybe a dry should be my next goal?


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