02 July, 2015

Rules of the Road

I read an article a couple of months back in Outside magazine about the significant increase in the number of cyclists being injured in motor vehicle collisions. The article has definitely been food for thought in recent weeks. It does seem clear that we all (cyclists and drivers) need to learn to follow the rules of the road. I've been much more observant of behaviors among both groups and we have a long way to go before the roads get safer for cyclists.

Since reading the article, I'm amazed at the number of stupid things I see cyclists do on the road that makes us deserve some of the driver's wrath. For example:

  • Riding the wrong way on one-way streets. WTF? Cars can't do it -why are you?
  • Ignoring stop signs. OK, we all slow-roll some in lightly trafficked areas. I'm talking about brazenly blasting through, often without looking.
  • Riding on the sidewalk. Most non-cyclists are amazed when I tell them that in a significant number of municipalities that bicycles are illegal on the sidewalk. If you're biking on a sidewalk, you run the risk of injuring pedestrians, but you're also virtually impossible to see for drivers turning at intersections. Stay on the road.
  • Not owning the lane. We expect to be treated like other vehicles on the road, yet many of us don't behave like one. Don't make a left turn from the right lane, put on your Big Girl Panties and jump in the left turn lane like a boss!
  • Helmets. Wear one. And, if you do, buckle the stupid strap. In addition to making you look like an asshat, this pretty much removes any benefit the helmet might deliver.
  • Riding two (or more) abreast. Unlike the previous items, which are mostly on less serious cyclists, the hardcores tend to be the issue here. Yeah, it's legal to ride two abreast. It's also stupid. And when a heard of you just takes over a lane, blind to vehicles around you, it just pisses drivers off. Particularly if you're all wearing some matching team kit...
I am truly amazed at the stupidity and anger I encounter on the road. Curiously it's been better this year - maybe more bikes on the road increase awareness? But it's still there.
  • If you wouldn't pass a car, don't pass me. You wouldn't pass a Buick on that twisty, hilly road. What makes you think you can somehow magically slip past me and not cross the center line? And when you do encounter that oncoming car, are you going to hit it or take me out? Yeah, we both know the answer on that one.
  • Stop honking the fucking horn. Yes, I dropped the F Bomb there. For a reason. I get this all the time. I'm riding a virtually silent vehicle, and you're rolling along in 4,000 pounds powered by internal combustion. I know you didn't see me, but I heard you a LONG time ago. There's no need to "let me know you're there" with the horn. I'm quite aware. If you startle me and I fall or swerve in front of you, both of our days are ruined (oh, and I'm dead...).
  • Put down the smartphone. I'm constantly scanning road looking for signs of driver distraction. You'd be surprised how many of you I see peering into tiny screens.
  • Give me a little room. When you pass properly, without oncoming traffic, there's plenty of room for you to pass. Take it.
  • Slow down. Many times I see that way-too-close-way-too-tight pass from people who are just driving far too fast for the road and were surprised by me. That extra 10 mph on a 10 mile drive isn't going to get you there any faster.
So, there you go - we all need some improvement with following the rules of the road. Hope these reminders are helpful, no matter which group you fall into.


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