19 May, 2010

Way Cool

Always seem to have flies rolling about in the Element. Whether it's a big streamer that needs to dry out, a hopper-dropper rig that needs to find its way back into a box, or an egg that was the wrong color. As I quickly discovered, just sticking them into the headliner really isn't an option - as they make a mess when you try to extract them.

Enter Cliff Outdoors. Picked up one of their Head Liner patches at Old Au Sable this weekend. PRESTO! Problem solved. Just clip it to the visor and your errant flies have a place to hang out until they can find their way back into the proper box (or until you want to fish them). All this for a lousy twelve bucks!

I was poking around Cliff's web site this morning and found they have a few other items that look interesting. May need to visit the local fly shop to have a look...


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