22 March, 2011

Share the Road

Read a great article in Outside magazine about the growing trend of bicycle-car friction. It's a fascinating read and very illustrative of the conflict that's out there. This article also lead me to a great blog that includes video shot from helmet- and bike-mounted cameras. The stupidity of some of these drivers is mindblowing. You'd swear it was an episode of Jaywalking from the Leno Show. "Q: Why don't you ride on the sidewalk? A: Because it's illegal in most states."

One interesting factor is the legal climate. Much of the U.S. could be termed "bike unfriendly" -- or at least "bike unaware". Oregon is one notable exception, with laws that say drivers need to look out for the more vulnerable vehicle, the bike. This legal approach is actually laws in the Netherlands.

Even in (relatively) bike-friendly Ann Arbor, I've had my share of run-ins. Most seem to result from driver inattention. The too-close pass is my favorite. When I can feel your mirrors brush my arm, you probably didn't leave enough room. However I did have one especially nice run-in with a pickup full of rednecks who elected to stop and "chat".

But cyclists aren't immune to stupidity. I've seen my share of herds of riders who, in an effort to "take the lane" end up being the road hogs they accuse drivers of being.

In the final analysis, we all need to be more aware.


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