Over the past few weeks I've had exposure to the new Adams Golf super-frickin-cool top-secret driver through work. Readers of this blog will know golf isn't my thing, but I've seen first-hand how my golf-nut client friend react to this cool new piece of gear. Then I saw a Tweet from a fly shop buddy who got a preview of the new Orvis Mirage reel and how off-the-hook cool it is.
Got me to thinking about my own gear and the pieces that inspire those feelings. Yeah, they're inanimate objects, but somehow they stir something.
One is my Orvis Battenkill BLA V reel. I own a more expensive Ross Momentum, but there's something about this Orvis (shown in the picture in the header) that's special. Jewel-like finish, precision design, super-smooth operation. Plus, it's good at it's job. Throw a screaming steelhead on it and the drag system shows it's engineering.

Another is the White Industries ENO Eccentric hub on my mountain bike. Again, beautiful finish and aesthetics are a key. But, like the BLA, it' so well engineered for it's purpose. The eccentric design allows easy chain tensioning on a single-speed without sliding drop-outs or an eccentric bottom bracket.

The last is my Scott A2 6 weight 9' fly rod. This is my main all-around rod for warm-weather fishing for trout and smallmouth. It's one of my favorite sticks. Better control, better distance, and just makes me a more precise fisherman. As an FYI, it was a close call between this rod and my Scott S3 9'6" steelhead rod. That's a sweet stick, too. I love my Scott's -- searching for a short 3 weight on eBay to replace a low-end TFO.
Seems I never regret a penny I spent on truly great gear!
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