24 October, 2011

New Chapter

Last week I added an excellent tool to my fishing arsenal. A boat.

For some time I've been debating getting a drift boat. But I've had a lot of concerns. First, it's a lot of money - at least $4,000 for a decent boat and trailer. Would I use it enough? What about storage? Can I take it solo? What about rivers without good launches? All of these issues, and more had me standing on the sidelines.

But a boat opens up so much for to me. I can fish longer stretches. Get to waters without walk-in public access. And strip streamers off the front of the boat. All big advantages.

Enter the floaty boat. Some friends have turned me on to the virtues of rafts. Lightweight, durable, great in low water, can be launched almost anywhere. And, most tear down in into a suitecase-sized package.

Fortunately, a guide friend had a lightly used FishCat 13 that needed a good home after he upgraded to a larger three-man raft. A good price was offered and a deal struck.

This weekend I did my first float on the Huron River. I've spent my fair bit of times in others boats, but I've never rowed on my own.  So, I was understandably a bit nervous.

Not to worry -- this boat rows like a champ! I can virtually stay in one place and spin it in a 360. Fished a bit off the front platform and found that convenient and comfortable.

I think this will be a great solution for me. Easy to store, easy to row, rugged, and with a reasonable investment. Sweet!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pretty cool....