21 January, 2009

Back to Work

Well, President Obama's hard at work today, and so is the Get Outside blog. After yesterday's attempt at motivation and feel-good, back to the outdoors.

Yesterday I mentioned Purl Wax and I've been meaning to say more about this stuff. In the past year I've been trying to find ways to lessen my environmental impact. One thing I stumbled onto unexpectedly was ski wax. There are about a gazillion bad things in ski wax (see http://purlracing.com/environment.php for more). At first, I thought, "Big deal - so what?" Then I did a little more reading. That wax rubs off your skis onto the snow. Then the snow melts, runs down the hill, into streams, then rivers, then the oceans. You get the idea.

Enter Scott Sparks, entrepreneur and ski wax guru. He figured out how to make entirely natural waxes. They're a little more expensive, but seems like it was worth it, so I ordered some. Turns out not only is it green, but it ROCKS! Super fast, long-wearing, and goes on super smooth. My only complaint is that it's pretty tough to scrape. But that's a small price to pay. I've found the purple all-around wax seems to fit most situations for me.

Back East most shops don't seem to carry it, so you've got to order online at http://www.purlwax.com/. I think it's basically all handmade and poured, so it might take a little time. But it's worth it!!!


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