26 January, 2009

New Approach on Fitness

Read a couple of articles recently - one in Outside (http://outside.away.com/outside/bodywork/200812/fitness-mistakes-1.html) and another in Bicycling (http://www.bicycling.com/article/0,6610,s1-4-41-18326-1,00.html) that changed my approach to workout. Both mentioned not just exercising to exercise, but if you're an athelete (and I apply that term to myself VERY loosely) to focus on adding in things that help in your sport.

After a full year of a 3-day-per-week regimen, I feel like I'm in good basic shape. So I wanted to start to target some specific things. And both the skiing and cycling magazines I read say core strength is beneficial. So I'm adding some of the things mentioned in these articles to my routine. Thus far most of my focus was really abs, but I'm now realizing that's way too simple. We'll see the results. Helps that I'm getting training tips from my friend, Keith -- his 425# bench press speaks to his credentials!


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