06 January, 2010

Activity Gene?

Over the weekend, I was listening to a science commentator on NPR talk about the fact that within the next decade we'll be able to have our own genome mapped for under $1,000 to find health risk factors. Wow.

Then, later in the day, I was riding up the ski lift with a guy who was bemoaning finding time for all his activities -- skiing, sailing, mountain biking -- a problem I share. At the time I thought that some people are just naturally more active than others. I certainly seem to fall into that category as I don't sit well and seem to always have trouble finding time to fish, ski, hunt, cycle, shoot, or whatever...

But then I got to thinking: What if there's a gene for activity? Somehow it wouldn't surprise me. So, do active parents have active children? My sister's a hardcore cyclist both on-road and off. And in-his mid-60's my Dad's still out fishing, working out, and keeping very active. Perhaps there's something to this genetic notion. At any rate, it's interesting food for observation.


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