12 April, 2010

Knot Right

Found another goal for the summer. I've got to work on my knot tying skills. Sure, I can bang out improved clinches even in on a 5 degree winter day, and I can tied a triple surgeon's knot practically blindfolded. Sadly, that seems to be about it.

Made an attempt at a perfection loop recently that looked like a ball of yarn by the time I was done with it. And blood knots look so sleek and elegant -- except mine. My nail knots just slip apart before they grab.

But, I can tie improved clinches and surgeons knots. Why? Because I tie lots of them. Watching guides amazes me. Those guys just bang out 83 different knots almost without looking. Again, practice.

So, I think that's a good summer's goal; learn to competently tie two additional knots. I think up next will be perfection loops and blood knots.


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